Puntuarte - The fastest and most transparent way to receive ratings and reviews


The fastest and most transparent way to receive ratings and reviews

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What is Puntuarte?

Puntuarte is the easiest system on the market to allow your customers review or rate your services or products purchased.

Register immediately

You just need a valid email address to sign up and start using Puntuarte.

Free of charge

You can receive up to 900 reviews per month at no cost, Puntuarte is totally free.


The settings you need to do are minimal, in few minutes you will have integrated Puntuarte on your website.

Growing up with you

Constantly we are developing new features that allow you to improve your relationship with your customers, without charge.

SEO improvement

If you enable Puntuarte rich snippets are added automatically to your products which Google greatly appreciates.

Simple process

Ratings are obtained through emails automatically sent to customer after completed purchase containing a review form to simplify the process.

In few seconds

Only two clicks are needed to get a review. Set the number of stars and submit it.

Get all the information from your customers

Customers will be able to leave comments with their ratings. It will help you to know how to improve their experience.


You will be able to track all the requests sent to your customers and if you have received response from them or not.

E-Commerce platforms integration

You can enable Puntuarte as module for the following platforms:

Coming soon

Let's start!

1. Sign up and start using Puntuarte

Choose an username and password to sign up and instantly access to your dashboard. Sign up now

When the customer completes a purchase on your site, the customer will receive an email like this:

Clicking on one of the targets the users will be redirected to a form to add a review for the acquired products and share their shopping experience through social networks.

If you use Woo Commerce, Drupal Commerce or PrestaShop you simply need to install the Puntuarte plugin on your website.

Woo Commerce

Download now
Plugin at Wordpress

Drupal Commerce

Download now
Module at Drupal (Coming soon)


Download now
Download from PrestaShop (Coming soon)

Once you've downloaded the module you will only need the API KEY to sync your e-commerce site with Puntuarte

After that enable the module and you will be able to set options such as the types of widget to display, the widget language or where to display it in your store.

If you use a different platform you can add Puntuarte in your site by following these steps:

To enable the functionality that Puntuarte offers, you must first add the following code in the header of your site, between labels<head></head>:

<script type="text/javascript" id="puntuarte-widget-embedder" class="puntuarte-widget">
(function() {
function async_load(){
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
var theUrl = 'web_widget.js';
s.setAttribute('data-appkey', 'your_api_key_number');
s.src = theUrl + ( theUrl.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'ref=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
var embedder = document.getElementById('puntuarte-widget-embedder');
embedder.parentNode.insertBefore(s, embedder);
if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent('onload', async_load);
window.addEventListener('load', async_load, false);'

It is important when adding this code, you must add your API key in the line:

s.setAttribute('data-appkey', 'your_api_key_number');

You will find the API KEY in your user account. Accessing to your dashboard in the My Account option.

The value from API KEY field is what you need to add in the code :

Then you will be able to use any of the widgets from Puntuarte

Total reviews widget

This widget contains the number of total scores and the average rating associated with all your web products.

To display it just put the following line of code in the region you want to appear:

<div id="puntuarte-global-widget"></div>
Full Product widget

This widget contains ratings totals number associated to the product and assessment indicated. It also shows the reviews with comments and name of the user who has made the review.

To enable it you have to add the following code:

It is important to note that for the widget to work properly, it must be associated with a product, and you have to add its product ID or SKU. If you have doubts and you don't know what product SKU to put, you can access the Sent Mails page, where it appears the product SKU you asked the customer to review.

<div class="puntuarte-product-widget" data-product-sku="Tu_ID_de_producto"></div>
Widget mini with stars and popup

This widget contains total number of reviews and average rating for a product in stars format.

It is important to note that for the widget to work properly, it must be associated with a product, and you have to add its product ID or SKU.

<div class="puntuarte-product-mini-widget" data-product-sku="Tu_ID_de_producto"></div>


We hope you to start using our application soon
Through this emailinfo@puntuarte.com we'll take care of all your questions
and suggestions as quickly as possible.

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